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Minimum and Maximum Sentences

The severity of the sentence you can face depends on the degree of the offense with which you are being charged. 

Felonies are reserved for the more serious crimes. They are punishable by prison time, which means you could face greater than one year in the state department of corrections. A capital felony is the highest charge you can face, followed by a Life felony, then a 1st degree, a 2nd degree, and finally a 3rd degree. Certain charges can carry a mandatory minimum sentence, while others may not, but may still "score out" to prison time.

Misdemeanors involve less serious crimes. They are punishable by jail time, which means you could face up to 1 year in a county correctional facility. A first-degree misdemeanor is the more significant charge, followed by a 2nd degree misdemeanor.

Any criminal charge can potentially carry a jail sentence and should not be taken lightly. It is important to have the assistance of a well-qualified attorney anytime you are facing a criminal charge. Learn more about sentencing below and contact the Ford Law Office for a free consultation. 


Maximum Sentences

1st Degree

  • 1 Year Jail

  • 1 Year Probation

  • $1,000 Fine  

2nd Degree

  • 60 Days Jail

  • 6 Months Probation

  • $500 Fine

Sentences: About


Maximum Sentences

Capital Felony

  • Death or Life in Prison


Life Felony

  • Life in Prison

  • $15,000 Fine 


1st Degree

  • ​30 Years Prison

  • 30 Years Probation

  • $10,000 Fine  

2nd Degree

  • 15 Years Prison 

  • 15 Years Probation

  • $10,000 Fine

3rd Degree

  • 5 Years Prison

  • 5 Years Probation

  • $5,000 Fine

Sentences: About


What your numbers mean to you

Any time you are charged with a felony, a scoresheet is created. All crimes are categorized into different offense levels. Your current charges are assigned a number based on the level of offense of that particular charge. Your score sheet also takes into account any prior charges you may have had, as well as certain aggravating factors which can increase your score. These numbers are added together to become part of your score.

If the total number of points is 44 or higher, then the number is put through a mathematical equation that produces a score. That score translates to the lowest number of months in prison you can legally be sentenced to if you are found guilty of all of your charges.   

Contact the Ford Law Office for a review of your scoresheet. 

Sentences: About
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